About Quantum Health
Founded in 2020 by Dr. Kashif Ali and Dr. Usman Haq, we are a private GP clinic based in Glasgow that puts our patients at the heart of our work.
Our fresh approach to GP-based services provides our patients with a convenient, flexible, and affordable range of services. We take the time to listen and work with you to find the best health and well-being solution.
From Men’s Health to Menopause, Stress & Burnout to Weight Loss Management, we offer both online and face-to-face consultations at a convenient time and place.
At Quantum Health, experienced doctors see you quickly at a suitable time and location. Together we’ll ensure your health and well-being remain your No.1 priority.
Working together for a healthy life
Our Team of Industry Professionals
Our Team of Industry Professionals is always in charge of providing you with the best treatment possible.